Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) After Endometriosis Hysterectomy?

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As we mentioned in previous articles, endometriosis growing somewhere else other than the endometrium also reacts to hormonal signals of the monthly menstrual cycle building up tissue, breaking it, and eliminating it through the menstrual period. Hysterectomy is always the last resort in treating endometriosis for women who have exhausted all treatments without success, or if endometrial tissues have become cancerous her doctor may suggest some kind of hysterectomy. If you have ovaries removed, you may want to consider hormone replacement therapy to re-balance your body's hormones.

I. Definition

Women who have their ovaries removed after hysterectomy will have menopause earlier than other women caused by low levels of estrogen and progesterone in their body resulting in early menopause symptoms. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is defined as a treatment for woman who are surgically menopausal, peri-menopausal and post menopausal caused by diminished circulation of estrogen and progesterone hormones.

II. Types of HRT

a) Estrogen replacement therapy
Since women who had their ovaries removed have low levels of estrogen and progesterone, estrogen therapy helps to increase levels of estrogen in the body. Therefore it:
a) Reduces the frequency of hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause.
b) Reduces the loss of bone density that usually happens to women in menopause state, caused by poor digestive absorption or other mineral deficiency.
c) Reduces the risks of colon cancer and muscular degeneration.
d) Increases brain function resulting in a diminished risk of Alzheimer's disease.

b) Estrogen and progestin replacement therapy
The combination of both estrogen and progestin therapy is a combination of the hormone treatments with both estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen in the EPT helps relieve symptoms of menopause such as hot flash, sleeplessness, and vaginal dryness.

c) Testosterone replacement therapy
This kind of therapy(generally testosterone) is used to increase sexual desire for women with hysterectomy as well as treating energy deficiency and helping to reduce osteoporosis after menopause.

III. Risks

a) Increases the risks of liver or gallbladder problems and blood clots.
b) Increases the risk of breast cancer.
c) Increases the risk of uterine cancers in women with intact uterine linings.
d) Combination of estrogen and progestin also increases the risk of high levels of triglyceride and heart diseases.

Since endometriosis is treatable and manageable by natural remedies and self help course, if you have endometroisis, please look at the bright side.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advices, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:

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For Complete Series of Endometriosis and Everything You Want to Know About Endometriosis

Reading the series of endometriosis articles from endometriosis Part 01 to 35
Reading the series of endometriosis articles from endometriosis Part 36 to 70
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